Can I download all HoloPatient video clips to a mobile device?

Easily set up mobile devices, such as iPads used in lab, by pre-loading all patient video clips for HoloPatient.

Yes! You may have noticed a GigXR branded session plan in your list of Session Plans called Mobile Set-up (All Clips) in your GMS account.
[Note: this shared session plan is accessible in non-student accounts only.]

See instructions below, or download this PDF.

You must create a Session from this plan to enable access to the list of clips for downloading. Do this by locating the Mobile Set-up (All Clips) shared plan, then tap on the three vertical dots (kebab menu) on the lower right corner of the plan card. Select "Create Session" from the dropdown that appears.

Set the permissions on the Session you create according to who needs access to set up their mobile device(s). If you are just setting up lab devices, then leaving the permission at "non-student" will probably be fine. If you wish to share this Session with your students, then select a different permission level. Remember to SAVE your changes before leaving the page.

Now you should find the Session in your Session list and anyone with permission to view it can go to the Content tab and download the clips!

Please note the following:

  1. The total volume of the clips will exceed the default memory allowed in the mobile app, so you will need to change the app settings to expand the capacity.
  2. The entire download may not complete in one try. You may need to run the download more than once to complete download of all apps.