What is needed to log in to apps powered by the GigXR system.
Users need a GigXR platform (GMS) account to enable full access to GigXR apps such as HoloHuman, HoloPatient, etc. Check with your instructor, program leader, or institution admin to confirm that you have an active GigXR account.
There are two ways to obtain a QR code for login.
- Using any web browser, log into your GMS account (https://system.gigxr.com) and click on the "Headset Login" button. This will give you a QR code to log in to any app to which you have access.
- Log in via the mobile app on your phone or other compatible mobile device and select "Headset Login" to get a QR code that will enable you to log in to that app on the headset (provided your account has been granted access).