Use the mic button in the app to speak directly with the patient.
All users may speak with the patient using the microphone on their device.
- Select a patient, or wait for the host to select a patient and that the active chat window is visible.
- Click the Microphone button.
- If the browser asks for Access to your microphone click Accept.
- Once the button is pressed, it will turn green, indicating that you are free to speak to the patient.
- Once you have stopped speaking, the button will turn red again and your questions or statements will appear in the chat transcript.
- The patients’ response will appear in the chat transcript, and will play through your selected audio output.
Please note the following:
- The button will remain green until it detects that you are no longer talking, and will change back to red on its own. You do not need to click the button again when you are done.
- Active the button by clicking once. You do not need to hold the button down with your mouse while you speak.
- Only one user in the session can speak to the patient at a time. If the button is gray, it means that another user is currently talking.