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  2. Conversations
  3. Features Within a Conversation Session

What information about the patient is visible to students?

Details of each patient and which users can view it.

Each virtual patient includes a patient profile and medical history, as well as their pathology and assessment findings. Information related to the patient’s condition is hidden from non-Hosts to allow for diagnostic learning opportunities. 

The following information is available for each patient depending on the user’s GMS role. Users with a role of Instructor, Department Admin and Institutional Admin will have access to patient details that are not available to Students.





The patients’ full name.

All users

Chief Complaint

The primary complaint from the patients’ perspective.

All users

Background on Scenario

An introduction to the patient provided to learners that includes the appropriate context from which to engage the patient.

All users


The patients’ underlying medical condition.

Instructors and above


Medical Specialty

Instructors and above

Case History for Instructor

Information provided to the instructor to fully understand the virtual patient’s state of being and underlying medical problems. This is information that the patient will be able to provide to the learner, but only if asked using the correct questions.

Instructors and above

Assessment Finding

The findings that learners should be able to identify by speaking with the patient.

Instructors and above